Vitamin D is Essential This Time of Year.
Vitamin D helps the body absorb and retain calcium and phosphorus, critical for building bone.

It’s 2025! Strategies For A Fresh Start.
Have you had a chance to review 2024 and plan for 2025? I insist on doing these yearly rituals and highly recommend doing these for yourself.

What’s Cooking this Holiday Season?
Are you gathering for a big feast this month? Have you planned your holiday dinner yet? Are you lucky enough that someone else is doing all the cooking?

Make Your Someday, Today!
Someday is not a day of the week. It never actually comes. Someday is a bookmark, a placeholder for your important aspirations waiting to be realized.

Pattypan Squash Recipes.
Pattypans are considered summer squashes. They are characterized by their distinctive round and shallow shape with scalloped edges, resembling a flying saucer.

What The Heck Is A Pelvic Floor & How To Take Care Of Yours.
The pelvic floor is a group of muscles and ligaments located at the base of the pelvis

Electrolytes Are Key In Summer Hydration.
Electrolytes are essential minerals like sodium, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. They are vital to many critical bodily functions, including regulating muscle and nerve function and playing a pivotal role in hydration.

Cold Water Therapy To Beat The Heat.
Cultures worldwide have used cold water therapy for thousands of years; lately, it has become a trend.

How To Make A Mason Jar Salad.
I’ve found a quick and easy solution by doing prep work once and making five mason jar salads.

Happy Pride Month!
The LGBTQIA+ community has consistently knocked down walls of discrimination through activism, demonstrations, community engagement, music, art and politics.

Tools To Deal With Anxiety. (with content this time : ) )
Sorting out anxiety can be complicated. Anxiety is on a continuum from brief anxiety-provoking situations to full-on anxiety where you can’t leave your home.

I Need to Change My Blog Schedule.
I’m changing my blog's schedule from weekly to biweekly.

How To Help Our Planet.
Global warming is not a natural disaster but a human-made disaster, and don’t underestimate what you, as an individual, can do to make a difference.

Oops, I Did It Again!
When we get derailed from essential things and not focus on our self-care, it’s easy to give up and wonder what the point is. DON’T DO THAT.

Don’t Miss The Solar Eclipse.
The April 8th eclipse begins over the South Pacific Ocean and crosses North America, passing over Mexico, the United States, and Canada.
Remembering My Brother Gordon.
Tomorrow is my brother Gordon’s 59th birthday. March 22nd was the 30th anniversary of his passing when he was only 28.