Are you dealing with Morning Stiffness?
Do you ever wake up and find it hard to get out of bed?
What’s in your Rear-view Mirror?
We have a propensity to live in the past, and getting stuck in the rear-view mirror of your life will ensure that you drive in circles.
Go Jump In A Lake.
I’m not telling you to Go Jump In A Lake because I’m mad at you; I’m telling you because of the positive impact it will have on your physical and mental health!
Are you REALLY listening?
When you are over-scheduled and overwhelmed and don’t take time to be still, you will be out of touch with what is going on with you physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Easy & Healthy Summer Salads.
One piece of healthy eating advice I do my best to follow is eating one salad daily.
Recovering from a Sleepless Night.
Your hormones get disrupted when you don’t sleep well, and this causes you to crave unhealthy food.
How’s Your Year Going?
When we welcomed in 2022, did you take some time to reflect on 2021 and set some goals for 2022?
Fireworks are Beautiful & Hazardous.
It wasn’t until the following Victoria Day weekend that I read about how harmful the thunderous sound of fireworks is to pets and wildlife.
Eat Your Greens!
Green vegetables are super dense in nutrients and benefits. They are an excellent source of Vitamin A, C, K, folate, and minerals such as iron and calcium.
Happy Pride Month!
The LGBTQIA+ community has consistently knocked down walls of discrimination through activism, demonstrations, community engagement, music, art and politics.
It’s possible to be comfortable while sitting cross-legged.
This pretzel-like posture can be very challenging and requires flexibility and strength in the glutes (butt), front, back and inner thighs, pelvis and external rotation of the hip joints.
What I’ve learned from my fur babies.
June 3rd was the first anniversary of our girl’s adoption, also known as GOTCHA day in the pet world, and what a year it has been.
Delicious Summer Charcuterie!
Gathering means laughter, dancing, cocktails and delicious snacks, and nothing is more beautiful, versatile and easy than a charcuterie board!
Mosquitoes, ticks and wasps, OH MY!
We are finally able to enjoy some nicer weather, and those pesky biters are already out in full force.
Self-care is hard work & ……….
Self-care is making a DAILY commitment to yourself. It’s choosing to build a life you don’t need to escape from regularly.
Connect to your Divine Feminine on Mother’s Day.
Divine Feminine is an energy that exists in all living beings. It's maternal, but don't let that throw you off; everyone can and should access their divine feminine energy regardless of gender.
Garlic is more than a Vampire Repellent.
Garlic is a powerful remedy to protect against infections of many bacteria, fungi and viruses
Earth Day 2022-Celebrate & Make Every Day Earth Day!
The present state of our glorious planet is pretty grim as temperatures rise and global emissions continue to destabilize the climate, as seen by wildfires, floods, extreme storms, and sea levels rising.