Thoughts Become Things.

As I mentioned in my last blog, I want to discuss the concept that our values, beliefs, thoughts and feelings create our reality.  They are interconnected, and I think it is essential to understand their differences.   


Values are principles that shape your character and behaviour.  They are the foundation of your personality and attitudes.  Examples of positive values are loyalty, honesty, integrity and respect.  Examples of more negative values are manipulation, dishonesty, selfishness, and overindulgence. 


Our beliefs are our most deeply held assumptions about ourselves, others and the world.  They can be firmly embedded in our thinking and significantly shape our behaviour and experiences.  A belief is a conviction we generally accept as true, usually without actual evidence or proof.

Our values and beliefs are often acquired in childhood and are influenced by family, education and experiences in life. 

Positive beliefs

  • Everyone is doing the best they can.

  • Good things take time.

 Negative beliefs

  • Money is the root of all evil. 

  • You can’t trust anyone.

“The main difference between values and beliefs is that values are principles, ideals or standards of behaviour, while beliefs are convictions that we generally accept to be true.” Pediaa


A thought is all the words you use to describe your feelings.  They can be fleeting, or fully ingrained with how we view ourselves and the world.


An emotion is a physical state as a result of stimuli.  A feeling is your experience of the emotion and its context.  All feelings are experienced as a sensation of the body in our awareness, and those sensations are given names, like sadness, anger, excitement, shame and guilt.

  •  I feel that I’m not good enough is a thought; the underlying emotions might be sadness or fear. 

  • I feel like a failure is a thought; the underlying emotions might be insecurity and loneliness.

  • I feel like people admire and look up to me is a thought; the underlying emotions might be happiness and excitement. 

“The main difference between thoughts and feelings is that thoughts are our ideas, perceptions, or opinions about the world around us, whereas feelings are our reactions to emotions and sensations.”  Pediaa

We are usually not aware of our feelings and thought patterns.  I encourage you to develop the habit of checking in more often on how you are feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally. Examine your core beliefs, thoughts and feelings.  If you have never done this before, it can be overwhelming, so ease into it.  Each day, take 5-10 minutes to be quiet; no devices, sit still, or go for a silent walk and start to pay attention to the voices in your head.  Our values, core beliefs, thoughts and feelings often cause many of our problems.  Automatic negative thoughts and feelings will create negative experiences. 

I know that this is all a little woo-woo.  If you have never heard of any of these ideas, or maybe like me, you are well acquainted with these concepts and need a refresher; I encourage you to watch these two movies as they will provide a clear understanding of the foundations of what I’m talking about. 

You Can Heal Your Life.  

What the Bleep Do We Know!?

I also suggest checking out the work of Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist that claimed that speech, thoughts, the written word and even classical music can have a dramatic effect on water.  He claims that positive thoughts create beautiful crystals, whereas negative thoughts create ugly water formations.  He wrote a NY Times bestseller called “The Hidden Messages in Water.” 

Masaru Emoto’s experiments with the impact of thoughts and words on water.

What you focus on expands. Are you willing to take responsibility for your own thoughts, feelings and actions?  Are you ready to take responsibility for your life? 

Think, feel & be well.


County Yoga Loft

Zoom Yoga Class Schedule  


1)    Pediaa

2)   Masaru Emoto


Forgiveness for Your Health.


Energy Flows Where Attention Goes.