Energy Flows Where Attention Goes.

I’ve wanted to write this blog for months, and my original plan was for it to be much longer than the one today.  Peggy hasn’t been well, and lately, my pet care duties have occupied much of my time. She’s ok.  For now, one of us has to sleep on the couch each night to keep an eye on her.  So after a few nights of disturbed sleep and worry, I was concerned about how I would get this blog done and thought, this is a big topic, so it will actually work better to break it down into smaller blogs.  So today, it’s short and sweet. 

Did you know that everything is made up of energy, EVERYTHING? 

Think of energy as a frequency or a vibe.  We’ve all had the experience of walking into a room and feeling either calm or agitated, meeting someone for the first time and having a strong visceral reaction to them-positive or negative.   This is the type of energy I’m talking about.  It’s way more pleasant to be around happy, fun and loving people than grumpy, resentful and bitter people.  Why is that?  Because of how you feel when you are with them. 

Your thoughts and emotions have potent energy.  If they are primarily negative, you will mostly have negative experiences.  If they are primarily positive, you will mostly have positive experiences.  I’m not saying you must be all Pollyanna 24-7 to have a good life; that’s not only nauseating but unrealistic. I am saying that you want to aim for the majority of your thoughts and feelings to be in the positive camp; of course, this excludes moments where you might be dealing with a crisis in your life.

I first heard “Energy Flows Where Attention Goes”  decades ago and have continued to see it used endless times and I’m not sure who first said it, maybe Tony Robbins.  Over the years, I became more curious and started reading about it, and then the movie The Secret came out and took the world by a storm and introduced the term “Law of Attraction.” 

This type of energy also has many other names:

  • Quantum Physics

  • Metaphysics

  • Source Energy

  • The Divine

  • Manifestation

  • Attraction

  • The Universe

It doesn’t matter what you call it; what matters is that you understand it and learn how to harness this skill so you don’t let your life happen to you; you become a deliberate creator of the life you want. 

If your attention goes to what you don’t want in your life, you will get more of what you don’t want.  If you allow your attention to focus on what you want, you will start moving in that direction. 

I’ll be diving deeper into this over the next few months. I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences with this way of thinking and feeling.  Post in the comments below. 

Thoughts + Feelings + Action = Life Experience

Be well & keep your vibes high.


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