Spring Clean the Feng Shui Way.
Spring cleaning offers various benefits beyond just tidying up your space.

Make An Artist Date With Yourself.
The Artist Date is a once-weekly, festive, solo expedition to explore something that interests you

The Power of Giving Love.
Giving love means love is active, a verb that requires action. It involves being less judgemental and critical and offering more compassion, kindness and empathy.

I need to take a break; there will be no blog this week.
I’ve written a lot about the importance of self-love this month, and I need to give some to myself.

Where Are You On Your To-Do List?
Self-care is essential to maintaining a happy, healthy body and mind. Ensure a healthier work-life balance.

Write A Love Letter To Yourself!
Today, instead of focusing on sending or receiving Valentine’s cards, I want you to write a love letter to yourself! Give yourself a Valentine’s card.

Make This Month All About Self Love!
Self-love is balanced. You have a favourable view of yourself, prioritize self-care, and simultaneously have compassion, respect, and empathy for others.

Healthy Back = Healthy Body.
Our backs are the epicentre of our bodies and play a critical role in our moments and breathing.

Dust Off Your Old Crockpot & Make Some Delicious Meals.
One of my favourite ways to make winter soups and stews is in a crock pot. Slow cooking allows spices and herbs to release their fabulous flavours and seep into the other ingredients.

Pick A Word To Guide You In 2024.
I’m also pondering the powerful practice of choosing a guiding word for the year.

Go Alcohol-Free This January.
I also welcome returning to my self-care routines of good nutrition, and exercise and for the last few years I have taken a break from alcohol and sugar for January.

That’s A Wrap!
Reflecting on the past year can lead to increased self-awareness and better preparation for the year ahead

The Longest Night of the Year & Other Celestial Delights.
Finding space and stillness is essential for your well-being during the hustle and bustle, and this month offers us two distinctive spiritual moments to encourage this.

Join Me In A 2024 Reading Challenge.
Social media and binge-watching are competing for our attention, and too much makes them unhealthy choices, especially if they are replacing reading time.

Delicious Holiday Recipes.
The common perception is that plant-based food is bland because iceberg lettuce and a slice of tomato are seen as staples. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Use Coconut Oil To Soothe Winter Skin.
Coconut oil is a fantastic skin moisturizer. It works well with sensitive and dry skin types and will help soothe rashes or eczema.

Feeling Stressed & Got 10 Minutes? Do This!
When you take the time to relax and be still, you cultivate conscious relaxation for your mind and body and calm your nervous system.

Finding Peace During Turbulent Times.
How do you make your self-care a priority during times like this?