Pick A Word To Guide You In 2024.


We are in the second week of 2024, and I hope this New Year has been treating you well so far. Have you had a chance to reflect on 2023 and thought about how you would like this year to unfold?

In the past, if I hadn’t performed my usual ritual of reflecting and intending by January 2nd, I figured it was too late and wouldn’t do it at all.  It always felt rushed.  Now, I take a few weeks and deliberately take my time, and this year I worked through the Year Compass Booklet that I provided in my December 27th blog. I’m also pondering the powerful practice of choosing a guiding word for this year.

I remember my word for both 2018 and 2019 was FREEDOM.  I then let the practice slip for several years and revisited it in 2023. I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease at the end of 2022 and struggled with many bazaar symptoms for most of 2023. I felt that nothing was more important than my health, so my word for last year was WELLNESS. I, at times, found this laughable because wellness was something that eluded me for most of the year. However, having this as my word kept me focused and consistent with the treatment plans my healthcare practitioners created for me and was a great reminder to keep me on track. It was also a helpful tool when making decisions. Before saying YES to requests I took a moment to ask myself if doing something was going to move me towards WELLNESS or move be away from it.

I finished the Year Compass Booklet a few days ago and have been pondering my word for 2024. One of my priorities this year, besides good health, is to have more control over my schedule. I’m semi-retired and it felt like I worked most days in 2023. I plan to manage my time better so that I’m not working every day and have lots of free time to be spontaneous. I haven’t decided on my 2024 word yet, and been pondering words like FLOW, SIMPLICITY, and EASE.

Once I pick a word that resonates with what I want this year, I will consistently connect with the word throughout 2024; thinking about it in my morning meditation, posting it on my mirror, and making it the wallpaper on my phone or screen saver on my computer.

Choosing a word can seem daunting, but once you do, commit to it.  Here are a few suggestions to help:

1)    I highly recommend completing the Year Compass Booklet first.   It’s amazing what you can learn about yourself when you take some time to reflect. It will also help you figure out your priorities for 2024.

2)    If choosing a word is not coming easily, take your time.  Review the list of words below to get inspired.  Start with a list of 10 words that resonate the most, and put them aside for a day.  Revisit the list, and keep editing down to 5, 4, 3, and 2 words until you find the 1 that connects to what you yearn most for yourself in 2024.

3) Do this exercise with some friends and share your words and help keep each other accountable.

I first learned about this practice from a life coach named Kimberly Carrol.  She is offering an online Word of the Year Workshop. These workshops are 3 hours long and cost $50.  I promise you that you won’t be disappointed as Kimberly is a gifted coach. Since I’m struggling with my word this year, I’ve registered for one of her workshops. FIND OUT MORE HERE: https://kimberlycarroll.com/word-of-the-year-workshop.

Allow your word to be a beacon that gives you daily guidance. It can also be a strong anchor when you feel untethered.

Be well.


County Yoga Loft

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DISCLAIMER; The information provided on County Yoga Loft’s website blog is for general health care informational purposes only. All information on the site is provided in good faith. However, it should not replace consultation or advice from a physician and/or other healthcare practitioners. The use or reliance of any information contained on this site is solely at your own risk.


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