What’s On Your Spring Bucket List?

Is it really true?  Spring will officially say hello on March 20th.  If you are anything like me, you probably want to scream:  


                                                          Where the heck have you been?

                                                          Please don’t ever leave me again! 

Traditionally, we celebrate the first day of Spring on March 21st, but according to the Farmer’s Almanac, the first day of Spring will occur on Sunday, March 20th, 2022, at 11:33 am EDT.  For a detailed explanation of this, check out Farmer’s Almanac.  

Spring is known as the Vernal Equinox, “vernal translates to “new” and “fresh,” and equinox derived from the Latin aequus (equal) and nox (night). 

So what does that mean? Essentially, our hours of daylight—the period of time each day between sunrise and sunset—have been growing slightly longer each day since the winter solstice in December, which is the shortest day of the year (at least in terms of light).”  (source, Farmer’s Almanac

I’m more excited than usual for Spring this year.  This winter has been exquisite with much beauty to enjoy but had its challenging moments.  Too many days with temperatures below -20C and numerous icy trails made it impossible to enjoy my daily hikes.  

Luckily, this Spring is also coinciding with the lifting of many COVID restrictions, and if the numbers continue to look good, and with a large amount of hope, we might be able to do things that we haven’t done for 2 years.  

Lilac bushes everywhere in Prince Edward County-Spring 2021.

How will you enjoy this new season?   

I know that I can’t wait to:

·      Enjoy the maple syrup festival in Prince Edward County and eat piles of pancakes smothered with syrup.  Repeat. 

·      Hop on my bike as soon as the roads and trails are clear. 

·      Explore more of Prince Edward County. 

·      Visit the Farmer’s Market as soon as they open.

·      Celebrate Earth Day and continue to commit to being as eco-friendly as possible.

·      Put up a bird feeder. 

·      Sit with cherry blossoms at their peak in May. 

·      Take in the abundance of lilac blooms. 

·      Place boutiques of tulips around my home. 

·      Dance in the rain.  I’ve walked in the rain many times, and it feels amazing-now it’s time to shake my booty in the

pouring rain.  

·      Maybe, just maybe, I’ll jump in the lake when the water is still cold.  Stay tuned for an update on this.  

·      Prepare my garden. 

·      Put on my rubber boots and go.  

·      Get dirty.  

Other ideas:

·      Watch the sunrise and set. 

·      Plant a herb garden.

·      Visit a botanical garden.

·      Have a yard sale. 

·      Visit many yard sales.

·      Fly a kite.

·      Throw a frisbee.

·      Join a pickleball club. 

·      Learn to golf. 

·      Go bird watching. 

·      Spring clean your space.

·      Have a picnic.

·      Try a new trail. 

·      Go on a road trip.

·      Get some ice cream.  Repeat. 

Please share what’s on your bucket list.

Peace & blessings.  


County Yoga Loft

Zoom Yoga Class Schedule  

Cherry Blossoms. High Park. Toronto. Picture credit.  


Are You Showing Up?


Yummy Black Bean Pumpkin Soup.