Are You Showing Up?

Showing Up For Yourself’ has become a popular term that encompasses all aspects of self-care and has become somewhat trivialized.  However, considering this idea from a physical and mental health perspective has remarkable depth and significance.  The bottom line, if you are not showing up for yourself, you can’t fully show up for anyone or anything else.  

Showing Up For Yourself is loving and honouring yourself and doing what you need to take excellent care of yourself.  We all have different needs, so it’s important to celebrate your uniqueness because you are the only one that knows what you need.  

What showing up looks like:

  • Making your self-care your #1 priority-this includes taking care of your body and mind. 

  • Ensuring your needs are met. 

  • Being bold and audacious with your dreams. 

  • Setting boundaries and being comfortable saying no. 

  • Not worrying about what others think. 

  • Speaking up for what you believe in. 

  • Staying true to your values, and what matters. 

  • Accepting and loving yourself. 

  • Being open to learning, growing and healing in a way that works for you.  

If none of the above sounds familiar or possible, then maybe it’s time for a real deep dive so you can change the trajectory of your life.  This may be impossible if you are experiencing a challenging time.  If this is your situation, the only showing up might be to get out of bed and remember to feed your pets. I’ve had many moments where showing up wasn’t possible, and I did my best to try and survive by focusing on the basics; getting sleep, moving every day, and obtaining help when needed.  I wrote a blog on this called  Sometimes You Just Need To Get Back To The Basics

If you’re not in a crisis and just in a rut and know that you want more, get clear on your priorities and what you should focus on.   

Ask yourself some prompting questions:

  • What’s important to me?

  • Who or what matters? 

  • What should I be giving my time to?

  • I’m I satisfied with my life?  If not, why? What’s missing?

  • How do I want 2022 to end?

  • Where do I want my life to be in 5 years, in 10 years?

  • What do I want to become?  Healthy, happy, calmer, courageous, engaged or wealthy.  

  • What’s holding me back?

  • What do I need to let go of?

  • What would I do if I were no longer afraid? 

I believe that we can create the life we want, providing we get out of our way.  I know I’m not showing up for myself when I allow my self-care to no longer matter and become disconnected from my family and friends.  


If I don’t sleep well, I’m miserable and only want to eat chocolate and French fries.  

If I’m inconsistent with my dental care, I’ll have cavities and gum disease.

I’m more irritable and unfocused if I don’t meditate every morning.

If I don’t practice yoga regularly and do my physio stretches, my right hip and lower back get grumpy, and I experience intense pain. 

If I overindulge in wine and sugar (I love both of them), I’ll have sore joints, a massive headache and a huge blood sugar spike.

If I don’t connect to my family and friends regularly, I feel the harmful effects of isolation.  

Of course, these things get derailed, but if I don’t let one slip become another and another, I can get back on track.  

When I’m in a funk and don’t want to do anything, I ask myself, is this an I can’t or I won’t? There’s a difference.  I can’t go for a run if I have a broken leg; I won’t go for a run if I don’t feel like getting out of bed. It’s essential to sort through the I won’ts.  

Showing Up For Yourself means making daily choices that honour your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.  This is how we take care of ourselves.  

Release what’s not working and give yourself permission to choose something different. Do more of what lights you up.  

Be well.



Alternatives to Table Salt.


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