Give Gifts that Give.

How’s it going with your gift shopping?  What kind of Christmas, Holiday, Ramadan, or Hanukkah gifts will you give your loved ones this year? Are you freaking out about what perfect gifts to buy? Take some deep breaths and know that gifts don’t have to be life-changing; they can be simple, meaningful and inexpensive.

Do you still experience the excitement of being a kid in anticipation of opening and giving gifts?  I admit that I like to receive, but giving gifts is way more fun and rewarding. 

What I don’t like about this time of year is the overwhelming consumerism and the bombardment of black Friday, cyber-Monday and Boxing Day sales.  Enough already!  Do we need so much stuff? 

Many individuals and families are struggling.  We are entering a recession, and inflation has hit an all-time high.  The use of food banks is experiencing record numbers, and they are not able to keep up with the demands. 

I’ve been asking myself and encouraging you to do the same: what matters in life, and especially what matters this time of year?  For me, simplicity is more enticing than ever, and absolutely nothing is more important than spending time with your loved ones.  Wouldn’t you rather eat delicious food, go for long hikes, play board games and hang out with the people you love over giving or receiving a ridiculous number of things that aren’t needed?  I’m the most excited to sit down with loved ones for a big Christmas feast and a couple of sloth days in my PJs.  Seeing some of my family and friends is the best gift, and I don’t need anything else!  I have so much to be grateful for. 

We’re scaling way back in our gift-giving this year and still want to give or make a few meaningful gifts. Here’s are a few suggestions:

Homemade Gift Ideas

There is something extra special about homemade gifts-they have more meaning because you know the time and effort that went into making them.  If you are thinking about making some gifts this year, don’t stress yourself by feeling you have to make a quilt or knit a sweater!!    

You can easily make body scrubs, bath salts, homemade aromatherapy sprays, DIY soup mason jars, baked goods, jams, sauces or artwork. 

Support Local and Small Businesses

Many businesses are still recovering from the pandemic lockdowns. Gift cards can make an excellent gift if they’re from a company that your loved one likes and even better if it’s from a local, small business.  Instead of ordering anything from Amazon (they don’t need our business), order your books from a local bookstore or instead of a gift card from Starbucks, purchase a gift card from someone’s favourite local café.    Support local artists, wineries, breweries, clothing stores, specialty shops, cafes and restaurants. 

What does your community need?   Check in with local shelters and other community organizations to see if you can support a family by purchasing gifts for them.

Take the money you would be spending on gifts and use it to donate to your or your loved one's favourite organizations.

Gifts for Animal Lovers

Consider a donation in their name to an organization that supports animals.  Animal Justice challenges our weak animal protection laws. The Humane Society International Canada is struggling because they have been overwhelmed by the number of pandemic pets that have been surrendered.  Or donate to one of the animal sanctuaries listed below.

Sandy Pines Wildlife Centre  

Esther the Wonder Pig

Gifts that Support the Environment  

Give or ask others to donate to your favourite environmental organizations or purchase products that are positive for the environment.  

David Suzuki Foundation

Check out  Hello Good Juju.  They are a Canadian company that sells all-natural, plastic-free body and home care.  If you’re concerned about how much plastic is wasted on single-use plastics such as shampoo bottles, laundry soap bottles etc., then buy from them and use the code JENNPIKE10 for a discount.

Have an Impact on Food Security

As I mentioned earlier, food banks cannot keep up with the demand.  Every community has food banks, and as much as they appreciate food donations, they prefer to receive money donations because this gives them the flexibility to purchase in bulk things they are short on.  Donate locally or consider donating to:

Food Banks Canada

CBC’s Annual Sounds of the Season Food Bank Fundraiser

Ways to donate to Sounds of the Season from Nov. 14 - Dec. 31:

● Online: Click here to donate to your local food bank now

● By phone: Call our operators at 1-855-700-SOTS (1-855-700-7687)

For some other ideas, check out:

Canada Helps Gift Guide

Kiva  is an international non-profit organization founded in 2005 with a mission to expand financial access to help underserved communities. More than 1.7 billion people worldwide are unbanked and can’t access the financial services they need. By lending as little as $25 on Kiva, you can be part of the solution and make a real difference in someone’s life. 100% of every dollar you lend on Kiva goes to funding loans.

Share your gift giving ideas in the comments below. Happy Creating & Shopping!

Peace & Blessings.


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