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Where Are You On Your To-Do List?


When it comes to self-care and self-love, do you make yourself a priority? Where are YOU on your to-do list?

Are you a list maker?  I love lists and make weekly and daily ones.  I used to scribble my lists on scraps of paper that would inevitably disappear into the ether.  I’ve been using a small, hard-covered journal for a few years and have yet to lose it. 

Typically, I take a moment on a Sunday and write out what needs to get accomplished for the following week.  Then, each day, I focus on completing 3 priorities on the list.  It’s not a perfect system, but it works for me, and my old and grumpy brain is easily overwhelmed with all the available organizational apps.

I’m the biggest nag about the importance of self-care; remarkably, I’ve never added self-care to my to-do list because I think this is hard-wired and that I don’t need the reminders. 

I realized this was not the case, and in the last week, I had an epiphany about priortizing my self-care. 

Lately, I’ve been much busier than I would like to be, and when this happens, my self-care can quickly move to the bottom of my to-do list.  With some major nudging from my husband Ben, I decided to place my self-care routines at the top of my to-do list, despite how busy I am, NO MATTER WHAT.  We even made time for a wine festival that we didn’t want to miss and participated in a group hike through the snow-covered forest on a glorious sunny day.

Guess what?  The world didn’t end, and the things keeping me busy had to wait a bit, but nothing terrible happened; no one got mad at me, and I still managed to complete what I needed to get done because I was calm, clear, and energized because I took time for myself.

So, this is possible: SELF AND SELF-CARE FIRST, then everything and everyone else. 

Of course, there are some exceptions.  If you have some major health issues that prevent you from your self-care routines, or you have a newborn baby, or you are a caregiver for a loved one.  Then, it makes sense that you are not at the top of your to-do list.  Hopefully, this will not last too long.

In the last year of my Mom’s life, I could only squeeze in the occasional self-care moments and focused on the basics-sleep, some movement, hydration, and one healthy meal a day.  During his time, my self-care was not a priority, and I was okay with this and wouldn’t hesitate to make her the priority again.

I sometimes must delay my morning routine because our senior dog, Peggy, needs me for something.  She is almost 13, and her heart disease is getting progressively worse, so each morning, I determine if she is at the top of my to-do list and if so, I give her what she needs, and then I ensure that I’m #2.  Many mornings, she sleeps late, so I can make it to the top of the list. 

Are you clear on what needs to be a part of your self-care routine?  You don’t need to spend hours on this.  A simple 10-minute meditation and 20-minute walk routine is a great start to a day.  Focus on what gives you energy and joy!

If you know what you need to ensure you are a priority, and it’s not happening.  Why not?

Does your self-care seem like a faraway possibility? Then:

  • Ditch the Guilt-shift your mindset and remember that you need to look after yourself and that it’s okay to prioritize your own needs.

  • Value Your Health-prioritize sleep, healthy eating and exercise.

  • Set Boundaries.  Learn to say no, not always, but when you feel overwhelmed and can’t take care of yourself because you are overstretched. 

  • Make Self-care part of your daily routine.  Do you brush your teeth and shower every day? These are automatic habits. Add other daily self-care habits so they also become automatic. 

  • Recognize the Importance: Understand that prioritizing yourself is not selfish but a necessary step for your well-being and ability to care for others.

By treating self-care as a priority and scheduling it like any other important commitment, you can ensure that you will allocate time for activities promoting your health and happiness.  Ultimately, scheduling self-care involves recognizing its importance and proactively allocating time for it.

Look at self-care as a requirement, not an option.  Neglecting your self-care can lead to serious illness, including high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, anxiety, and depression. 

Since my a-ha moment, I now write MY SELF-CARE at the top of my to-do list, and added my routines to my phone calendar. These simple steps have helped me stay focused and not get pulled into the “I’m too busy to take care of myself” rabbit hole.

If self-care is elusive for you, try to prioritize it for the next week and see what happens. There is no care for others, your community, and the world without self-care first.

Let me know in the comments below how you priortize yourself and any challenges you have with it.

Always take good care of yourself, and be well.


County Yoga Loft

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 DISCLAIMER: County Yoga Loft’s website blog information is for general health care information only. All information on the site is provided in good faith. However, it should not replace consultation or advice from a physician or other healthcare practitioners. The use or reliance of any information on this site is solely at your own risk.