Walk It Off!

Some key things to ensure good health are sleeping, eating well, staying hydrated, connecting with others, and exercising. While all these things are essential to a good life, I’m focusing on movement in this blog, specifically walking, and I hope to encourage you to make it a part of your daily routine. I’ve written about walking before and felt compelled to write about it again because of some additional research I wanted to share and inspire you to lace up as autumn provides the perfect environment for a short walk or hike.

According to Dr. Mike Evans, a prominent wellness physician, a low fitness level is the strongest indicator of death! It’s not an understatement to say that “exercise is medicine.” 

Dr. Evans states that the most important and easiest thing you can do for your health is to walk briskly for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. The symptoms or likelihood of being diagnosed with the following conditions decreases when one walks for 150 minutes a week:

Anxiety decreased by 48%

Arthritis decreased by 47%

Depression decreased by 30%

Dementia decreased by 50%

High blood pressure decreased by 29%

These numbers are substantial! We’re talking little effort, BIG IMPACT!

Dr. Mike Evan’s YouTube on walking benefits

One study examined 47,000 participants over 7 years and found that walking progressively decreases mortality. For adults 60 and over, between 6,000-8,000 steps a day had the most significant effect in reducing mortality, and for adults less than 60, the range was 8,000 to 10,000 steps per day. 

To provide a rough estimate, 8,000 steps per day at a regular pace is 3.6 miles (5.7 km), and a brisk pace is 4.1 miles (6.5 km).  It would take a little over an hour to walk this distance. The benefit of tracking steps is that the number increases quickly because all of your steps are tracked, even when you are not on a deliberate walk and just puttering about your home.  It’s also a fantastic motivator to walk further to obtain your step goal.  I occasionally run around our house at the end of the day to hit my 10,000-step goal.   

If you find that 150 minutes per week,  30 minutes a day, daunting, there is some good news.  The University of Cambridge conducted a large meta-analysis and found that 75 minutes of moderate physical activity per week (or 11 minutes daily) may significantly lower the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, cancer, and early death.  study

The researchers found that 75 minutes per week of moderate intensity brought a 23% lower risk of early death.  23%! 

If you have been inactive and want to be healthier and take advantage of all the positive benefits a brisk walk can give you, can you find 11 minutes daily?  It costs nothing except for a decent pair of shoes, preferably running or hiking shoes that support your ankles.

How to find the time.

·      Get up earlier and make a morning walk a part of your daily routine.

·      Adopt a dog or offer to walk a friend’s or neighbour’s dog. 

·      Walk on your lunch hour.

·      Walk after dinner, this will help you digest your meal, and you will sleep better.

·      Find a walking buddy.

·      Join a walking group or hiking club.

·      Get a Fitbit to track your steps.  This can motivate you to get in your 10,000 steps per day. 

·      Incorporate walking into your daily routine-walk to get your mail, purchase your groceries, or walk to work,

Start where you are.  A brisk walk may be impossible if you have been sedentary lately or recovering from an injury or illness.  If this is the case, then do what you can; even a 5-minute leisure walk is better than doing nothing.  Each week, you can increase the duration by 1 minute, and before you know it, you’ll be strong enough to walk for 11 minutes. 

How I Walk It Off.

If I’m in a bad mood, I instantly feel better when walking.  Walking and hiking have helped me stabilize my mental health.

I’ve had some great talks with friends or loved ones during a walk when something needed to be discussed. I go for a long walk on my own about once a week.  It’s become a fantastic tool to help me figure out what is going on for me because the quiet helps me obtain clarity, and I find my best ideas come to me when I walk alone in nature. 

I met Ben hiking, and it is something that we consistently enjoy doing together.  I take Peggy for 2 walks a day, and we both get some exercise and enjoy many spontaneous chats when we run into neighbours.  I walk to run most of my errands and can quickly obtain 10,000 steps.


Walking, in particular, is beneficial to mental health.  It has been shown to decrease depressive and anxiety symptoms. It allows you to be in the present movement, so you can quickly work through negative emotions of anger, resentment, and apathy. 

Whether you prefer going for a brisk walk or doing other moderate-intensity activities, ensure you accumulate at least 75 minutes a week to help boost your overall health and extend your lifespan. Talk to your doctor or healthcare provider before starting a new exercise program and for any health-related questions.   

Be well and take advantage of the beauty this time of year and get walking.


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 DISCLAIMER: The information on County Yoga Loft’s website blog is for general health care informational purposes only. All information on the site is provided in good faith. However, it should not replace consultation or advice from a physician or other healthcare practitioners. The use or reliance of any information on this site is solely at your own risk.


  1. Dr. Mike Evans



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