Be Clear on Your Year: Intention & Action.

Last week I talked about how relieved most of us will be to moving into 2021 and the importance of reflecting on 2020; the good, bad and ugly.  It’s time to move on and release 2020 and focus on what 2021 has entailed for you.

Before we dive into talking about goals and intentions, it’s essential to acknowledge that we are still dealing with an enormous amount of uncertainly, frustration and grief.  It is understandable if you simply don’t have the energy to organize your thoughts and put together a plan for the New Year.  If this is how you feel, then honour where you are at, but at the very least, make your self-care your top priority for 2021, because it affects all aspects of your life.  This is something that you have some control over-especially when it comes to your diet and how much you move. 


If you do have the energy to give some serious thought to how you would like your 2021 to unfold, then read on.   

Are you excited about 2021?  What are your plans?  What do you look forward to? Do you have some clear intentions for the year; personally, professionally and spiritually?  It is essential not to overdo the to-do list.  In the past I’ve made ridiculous long unattainable lists that usually involved learning a few languages, taking piano lessons and running a marathon and I’m not even a runner.  Make it simple and only pick a few, or even just one, simple, attainable intention.  Pick intention(s) that are achievable and be clear that it is something that you really want, not something that you think you need to do because everyone else is doing it.  Make your goals 100% your own.  

Let’s say you are ok to pick 3 things to work on and accomplish in 2021.   Perhaps something like this; I will meditate for 10 minutes daily, eat one healthy meal a day and keep my Sundays free for some fun and spontaneity!


Now, what is your action plan for these intentions?  It is all fine and dandy to have goals and intentions, but you need to consider the how’s and when’s if your intentions for 2021 will have any power to them. Without a clear action plan, procrastination and inertia can set in.  

It can help break your goal into quarterlies; January –March, April-June, July-September, and October – December.  Each quarterly can provide a framework for steps in your action plan.  This will make your intentions more viable and not so overwhelming; taking baby steps towards your goals.

Following the example goals above, you might approach your quarterlies in this manner: from January-March-sign up for a meditation app, and meditate for 5 minutes every morning, plan your 1 healthy meal a day the night before, and start to make changes to your schedule so you can ensure that your Sundays are free.  For the April-June quarter; your comfortable meditating for 5 minutes a day, and now can increase the time to  10 minutes, your consistently eating one healthy meal every day, and you’ve made adjustments to your schedule- you do all your chores and errands on other days, so your Sundays are free.  The last two quarters are about maintenance and consistency and of course you will have days or maybe even the odd week in which you get derailed from your goals. If this happens, always commit to get back on track.  

One of the most motivating things to ask yourself regarding your intentions is your why?  This is especially helpful when you stray from our goals.   

Why meditate?  

I’m calmer, more focused, patient and sleep better when I meditate every day.  

Why eat one healthy meal a day? 

I have more energy and know that my overall health has improved when I have one nutritious meal a day.  

Why free Sundays? 

I look forward to my free Sundays each week. I love the freedom knowing that I have time to go for hikes, check out museums and spend time with friends and family.  

With peace,



a year from now.jpg

Forest Bathing. Let Nature Nurture You.

