The last of Autumn reminds us to Let Go.

The autumn colours in The County this year were spectacular.  The array of gold, red and orange flushes was surreal.  The autumn sun was soft and warm and felt delicious on my skin. 

We have a maple tree on our front lawn that is not the healthiest.  Its bark is covered in spots, and we must remove more dead branches yearly.  Even in its challenged state, it still shows up and produces the most magnificent auburn leaves that the blue jays and cardinals like to keep company with.  It’s the first tree in our neighbourhood to show that autumn is soon arriving, often in August, and it starts to discard many of its leaves as other trees are just beginning to burst with colour. 

As autumn comes to its sad end, this tree always has a few leaves that hang on, often well into the winter. This time of year, trees remind us how important it is to Let Go and inform us of the things, like these remaining leaves, that we are hanging onto when we should release them. 

Trees supply us with beauty and life-sustaining oxygen.  They also offer us wisdom and are an excellent metaphor for life. There is a deep trust and knowing that there will always be autumn, winter, spring and summer.  The sun will always rise, and give us a new day. Like the Buddha, nature teaches us about the impermanence of everything.

Are you like the leaves on my maple tree struggling to let go?  These stubborn leaves hanging on prevent any new growth, change or opportunity.  Are you afraid that if you let go, there will be no new leaf to replace the old one? 

What do you have to let go of? 

  • A job you dislike

  • Anger

  • Bitterness

  • Clutter

  • Comparison

  • Control

  • Debt

  • Ego

  • Excuses

  • Fear

  • Gossip

  • Grief

  • Grudges

  • Guilt

  • Hurt

  • Insecurities

  • Jealousy

  • Judgement

  • Need to please everyone

  • Negative thoughts

  • Overindulgence

  • Overspending

  • Past

  • Perfection

  • Pride

  • Procrastination

  • Unhealthy relationships

  • Unrealistic expectations

  • Worrying about what others think

Eventually, everything ends-where you live, work, situations, relationships and the time you have on this planet. 

Knowing exactly what to eliminate can take time and effort, whether you’re concerned about a relationship, a job, habits, or even the boxes of stuff you’re storing. Take a moment to tune into your feelings about the things you should be letting go of.  If you feel stress or anxiety, perhaps it's time to ask yourself how keeping these things is serving you. 

Recognizing and accepting the impermanence of things help us remain in the present moment. Have you ever watched a leaf falling from a tree?  It moves with grace and confidence as it gently falls to the ground. 

We always have things we can let go of, which takes courage, honesty and a willingness to surrender.  As you take inventory of what you would like to let go of, don’t forget what’s here to stay; your supportive family, close friends, and even yourself.

Be well and let go.


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