County Yoga Loft

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The Take 5 Technique.

I usually meditate and practice pranayama (breath control exercises) each morning.  I’m not always consistent, but I do my best to be because of its positive impact on my well-being.  Since I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease in November, this routine has been challenging to maintain because of some moments of severe fatigue.  I sleep well most nights, but sometimes I wake up exhausted and consider myself lucky if I have the energy for this morning practice twice a week. 

Because of this, I’ve returned to a simple practice I’ve used in the past when my routine gets hijacked. I’ve been using it since November, and after recently reading a post where Dr. Mark Hyman mentioned it, I’ve decided to share it.  He calls it The Take 5 Technique. 

The Take Five Technique

  • Get comfortable by either sitting on a chair or couch with your feet firmly planted on the floor or in a cross-legged position, or sit on the floor in a cross-legged position.  It’s essential that your back is straight, relax your face and shoulders.

  • Close your eyes and mouth, and ensure your breathing is through your nose.

  • Breathe in slowly through your nose to the count of five. Hold your breath to the count of five, and then slowly breathe out and exhale to the count of five. If you are uncomfortable holding your breath, focus on inhaling and exhaling to the count of five for each.

  • Do this for five rounds. It shouldn’t take longer than two minutes to complete five rounds. Sometimes, I like to do this technique for five minutes and set the timer on my phone.

That’s it. Simple, easy and quick.

I recommend practicing this technique first thing in the morning, last thing at night and anytime during the day when you feel you need a moment to pause, get centred and grounded.

Why practice proper breathing?

Proper breathing Is when you breathe through your nose; remember that your mouth is for speaking, eating and kissing, not breathing, and engaging your diaphragm, so on your inhalations- your abdomen, ribcage, and chest expand. On your exhalations, you relax all three. Your breaths should be deep, gentle, slow and smooth. Proper breathing does far more than just supply oxygen to the brain and body. You can change how you think and feel with how you breathe. It can also change your heart rate, lower your blood pressure, reduce your stress levels and combat anxiety, reduce feelings of pain and even change your brain chemistry to make your mind sharper.   

This simple and effective tool can quickly calm your mind and body.  It allows you to reset mentally and take a moment to pause in your busy day. 

Be well & keep breathing.


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