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Spring Clean the Feng Shui Way.

Spring officially began on March 19th this year.  We usually welcome it on March 20th or 21st, but since 2024 is a leap year, giving February an extra day, Spring has moved up a little on the calendar.   

Are you excited about Spring?  I love Winter, but by March, I’m ready for cherry blossoms, crocuses, and the warm Spring air that bequeaths us with scents of rain, vitality, and new life.

Spring is about renewal and awakening, and with this new electrifying energy, it’s the perfect time for the quintessential deep Spring clean and purge. 

I don’t know about you, but our home desperately needs this.  Many of these monotonous tasks that I planned to do last year were derailed because of the fatigue I experienced caused by Lyme disease.

This Spring, I’m ready, and I plan to approach it differently and follow some Feng Shui principles as I make my way from room to room.

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui translates to wind-water and is rooted in ancient Chinese philosophy.  It focuses on harmonizing individuals with their environment by arranging living spaces to create balance with the natural world.

The principles of Feng Shui include concepts like Chi (vital life force), commanding position (designates where you'll want to spend the most time in a space), Bagua (energy map), and the balance of five elements: earth, metal, wind, water, and fire.  Source

There are numerous feng shui styles, including the Bagua energy map or the Black Hat approach, which includes a compass.  Endless books and resources are available to learn more about these approaches. 

Today, I will focus on the cleaning and decluttering aspects to increase the energy flow in your home. 

Feng Shui Spring Cleaning Tips

1)     Clean all of your windows.  Use an eco-friendly cleaner like vinegar.  Once the windows are clean, open them up to allow the fresh spring air to enter your home. We were going to start with the windows, but it’s still too chilly.

2)    Have an inviting and clear entranceway to your home.  The front door is the central area of Chi to enter, so ensure it is clean, uncluttered, and inviting.

3)    Declutter your entire home.  This can seem overwhelming at first, so it’s helpful to take your time and work on one room or one area at a time.  I’ve convinced my husband to help me with our decluttering, as he is way more focused and organized than I am.  If you live alone, buddy with a friend to help you, and you can return the favour. 

Before you begin, ensure you have eco-friendly cleaning supplies- vinegar, lemon juice, and baking soda are inexpensive and effective. Also, ensure you have 4 boxes, plastic bins, or bags, so you can divide things:

1) donation, 2) garbage/recycling, 3) keep and put away, and 4) needs to be mended or fixed. 

We are going to start in our basement tomorrow.  Our small basement bedroom has become a dumping spot for things we don’t know where to put.

We know this cleaning and decluttering will take a few weeks, and we plan on scheduling our tasks every day or at least alternate days.

If focus is a challenge for you, work only 1 hour at a time, and commit that you will only focus on the task before you and avoid any distractions, including checking your phone.  It’s remarkable how much you can accomplish in a focused hour. Playing energizing music or listening to a podcast while working through these tasks is also helpful. 

4)     Deep clean your home.

After decluttering and purging, clean your floors, rugs, and countertops.  Sweep, vacuum, and mop.

5)     Repair anything that is a broken-burnt-out light bulb or broken appliance.  If you don’t plan on fixing broken items, remove them from your home. 

6)    Add more plants.  Is there such a thing as too many plants?  Yes, if they clutter your place; no, if you place them correctly and commit to taking care of them.

7)    Are there items that are difficult for you to discard?  For me, it’s books.  I have 100’s of books and three bookcases that can barely hold them all.  I like looking at my books, but the area is not organized.  So, I think I can donate some of my books for this purge knowing that the books I remove can be signed out from the library if I want to re-read them.

My other big challenge is paper.  I have files everywhere when I have a filing cabinet that will efficiently organize everything.   

8)    Once you’ve completed the purge and deep cleaning, walk around your home and notice how you feel.  Do any spaces or rooms still feel off?  You might need to get rid of some furniture or rearrange it.  Add some spring flowers throughout your house. 

Spring cleaning offers various benefits beyond just tidying up your space. A messy space creates chaos and stress.  It’s hard to focus and feel calm when you can’t find anything.  An organized space will boost your energy and focus and save you time.

Your home is your sanctuary.  Treat it with reverence by creating a harmonious environment that promotes balance and positive energy.  

After your Spring Clean, how will you enjoy this new season?  Explore and enjoy all that this delightful season has to offer.

Be well.


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