County Yoga Loft

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Make This Month All About Self Love!


February is when even a winter lover like me starts dreaming about seeing crocuses and tulips peaking from the ground and feeling the deliciousness of Spring air on my face.  Most of us are done with the chilly weather and are craving a change. 

February is also the month dedicated to love.  I’m open to the romance of the month, and I’m never one to say no to chocolate and roses, but there is far too much focus on Valentine’s Day, flowers, and sweethearts, which overshadows the most important love of all: SELF-LOVE. For the rest of this month, I want you to focus on your most important asset: YOU! My blogs will spotlight all aspects of self-love to inspire you to step into your highest potential, and this all begins with loving yourself. 

Self-love does not mean being selfish, egotistical, or narcissistic.  We are familiar with these negative traits: arrogance, superiority, excessive focus on oneself, and the inability to feel compassion or empathy for others. Self-love is balanced.  You have a favourable view of yourself, prioritize self-care, and simultaneously have compassion, respect, and empathy for others.  Yes, these 2 can co-exist and complement each other.  Self-love requires us to take good care of ourselves and cultivate our passions.  When you do this, you will feel energized and joyous and, therefore, have the capacity to care about others.

Does expressing love and appreciation for yourself make you squirm?  Let’s work through this unease over the next few weeks. Self-love is a journey that involves tenderness, acceptance, and self-compassion. This particular February is auspicious because we have February 29th- an extra day to take care of yourself.

While awaiting the beauty of Spring, love yourself!


County Yoga Loft

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