County Yoga Loft

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What is the single best thing we can do for our health?

There are some key things to ensure good health; sleeping and eating well, staying hydrated and exercise. 

According to Dr. Mike Evans, a prominent wellness physician, the most important and easiest thing that you can do for your health is to go a brisk walk for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. If a brisk walk is not possible, even a leisure walk will have a positive impact. It doesn’t cost anything, except for a decent pair of shoes, preferably running or hiking shoes that support your ankles. 

A low fitness level is the strongest indicator of death! It’s not an understatement to say that “exercise is medicine.” The symptoms or likelihood of being diagnosed with the following conditions decreases when one walks for 150 minutes a week:

Anxiety decreased by 48%

Arthritis decreased by 47%

Depression decreased by 30%

Dementia decreased by 50%

High blood pressures decreased by 29%

These numbers are substantial! We’re talking little effort, BIG IMPACT!

Unless you are not able to walk because of some debilitating illness, then there is no excuse for finding time to move, especially if you are sedentary. What are your reasons for not moving? You’re too busy, but you probably spend more than 30 minutes a day on your computer or other devices mindlessly scrolling through social media! You have kids, take them for a walk-they will love it and also reap the benefits.  Too tired-the hard part is getting out the door, once you are, then you will immediately start to feel good.

Going for a walk with family, colleagues or friends is COVID friendly as long as you ensure social distancing. Make it enjoyable by exploring different neighbourhoods, try new routes and walking through a park or forest is fantastic because no matter what you are feeling-your mood will improve. 

Keep well. 


Walking is man's best Medicine. Hippocrates


Dr. Mike Evans was a staff physician at St. Michael’s Hospital, an Associate Professor of Family Medicine at the University of Toronto, Lead of Digital Preventive Medicine at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, as well as the first international recipient of an endowed university chair in Patient Engagement. In fall 2016, Dr. Mike moved to Apple in California to help lead health innovation. He will be on faculty and working part time clinic at Stanford.
