County Yoga Loft

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That’s A Wrap!


Whatever you celebrated this Holiday Season, I hope you had a lovely time with your family and friends. My daughter and her husband were here for a few days and we had the best time with them and friends, visiting neighbours, caroling on Christmas Eve, hiking on the beach, dancing, and eating far too much.  It was delightful!

2023 will be over in a few days, and like most years, it had its challenges and sweet moments.  Two wars and all of the pain and atrocities that come with them are still happening. Times are tough as the cost of living has made existing challenging for so many. No one should ever have to struggle for basic needs of food, water, safety, and shelter.

For me, it was a year of much joy and celebration with my daughter getting married in July, and at other times it was a rough year because I had many health issues.  You may have had a difficult year, and despite this, I still see the wisdom in taking time to honestly reflect on 2023-all of it, the good and bad.

I’m happy to say adios to 2023 and start with a blank canvas of possibilities for 2024.  I’m ending this year in a healthier state and have the energy and motivation to accomplish a lot more in the new year.

At the end of each year, I like to take a few hours, usually spread out over a couple of days to contemplate the past year and I encourage you to do the same.  There is so much you can learn from this deep reflection and it can help you prepare for the following year.

There are several ways to reflect on the past year, including listing achievements and evaluating highs and lows, recognizing challenges, and expressing gratitude. Not sure where to begin with your reflections on 2023 and your intentions for 2024, work through the thought-provoking questions and contemplations in the Year Compass Booklet. 

To fully benefit from this booklet, ensure that you are in a relatively ok mood before you begin. It’s helpful to print the document, read it before you start, and use a pencil, so you go back and make changes. Then take some alone time by getting cozy with tea or cocoa.

Approach this with kindness and an open heart, not through the lens of judgment. If you are reading this, you survived another year.  You may have experienced significant loss and sorrow, but you are still standing.   Let any disappointments from 2023 guide your intentions for 2024!

If making big sweeping goals for 2024 seems overwhelming, pick one priority and focus on it for 3-6 months. Concerned about your health? Focus on sleep, exercise, and diet. Unhappy with how your finances are? Focus on understanding exactly where things are at, track your spending for a few months, and put together a plan. Feeling lonely and not part of a community? Focus on what you can do to change that. Join a book club, choir, or hiking club. Volunteer for organizations that would be thrilled to have your help.

You may also find it hard to find the motivation to plan, especially if 2023 wasn’t a great year. Here are some helpful strategies to help you get motivated:

  • Your self-care should always be a top priority.  Eating well, sleeping well, and moving consistently will make the ebbs and flows of life more manageable and provide you with the energy to plan.

  • Reach out for support from friends and family, and consider a few therapy sessions if you are feeling stuck.

  • Look at your 2023 calendar and review everything that you did.

  • Set realistic goals.

  • Connect with the why you want certain things to happen.  This will help you become clearer about what you want. 

By incorporating these strategies, I hope you find the motivation to approach the new year with renewed energy and determination.

You can still have hopes and dreams amid never-ending chaos; it’s the only way to help you keep going.  Reflecting leads to greater self-awareness and setting intentions will help you organize your thoughts and inspire you. You need to know where you came from to see where you are going.    

I wish you a Happy & Healthy 2024 and deeply appreciate you for supporting my blog.

Peace and blessings. 


County Yoga Loft

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