Review 2021 & Be Clear On The Upcoming Year!


As we are wrapping up 2021, do you find yourself saying what you said at the end of 2020, “thank goodness that’s over?”   2021 in some ways, felt like Groundhog Day.  Things seemed to be going well before the holidays, and in the blink of an eye, holiday plans were cancelled and once again, we had a very quiet Christmas and I didn’t see my daughter.  

Both years have shown us unimaginable loss, grief, fear, uncertainty, isolation, scarcity, exclusion, anger, righteousness, apathy, and kindness, compassion, gratitude, strength, creativity, resilience, hope, inclusion, and community.  

2021 has taught us to become experts in the one step forward and two steps back dance. It was another stressful year with continued uncertainty, and despite this, I still think it is wise to take some time to reflect on it.  You might feel a deep sense of apathy and wonder, “what’s the point?”  I’ve had many moments of complete and utter despair and what’s helped me out of it is to realize that I am more than this endless pandemic!    You can still have hopes and dreams amid never-ending chaos; in fact, it’s the only way to help you keep going.  

Reflecting on 2021 and thinking about your intentions for 2022 will help you organize your thoughts, and provide some inspiration. You need to know where you came from to see where you are going.    

I have an excellent workbook to share with you that provides thought-provoking questions and space for reflections and intention setting.   Oma Chiropractic & Wellness Centre (Oma Chiropractic & Wellness Centre) is a fantastic multidisciplinary clinic in Toronto.  I was a patient there for at least a decade before we moved to Picton.  My former chiropractor, Adrienne McRuvie, a fellow yoga and meditation teacher and friend, created this amazing workbook and kindly permitted me to share it. 

Unraveling 2021 Workbook

 I recommended printing the document, reading it before you start and using a pencil so you can quickly go back and make changes. Then take some alone time by getting cozy with tea or a glass of wine. 

Approach this with kindness and an open heart, not through the lens of judgment. If you are reading this, you survived another challenging year of one of the most difficult times in decades.  You may have experienced significant loss and sorrow, but you are still standing.   

I hope you enjoy this process and find reasons to be grateful.  

Let any disappointments from 2021 guide your intentions for 2022!

I appreciate you reading and supporting my blog.  I wish and hope for a 2022 that will give you many opportunities for love, joy, yoga, connection, community and dancing.  Happy New Year!

Peace and blessings. 



Free Online New Year’s Day Yoga Class; 2-3 pm (EST)


Breathe to Stay Mindful During the Holidays.