Food Bank Fundraiser & Food Security


When the opening of my yoga studio was derailed because of COVID, I wasn’t sure what to do. A friend suggested that I teach yoga online via Zoom. I was reluctant because I had no experience teaching online, but I decided to give it a go.  I offered pay what you can yoga classes from May-August with all proceeds going to the Picton United Church Food Bank because I knew that the need for food banks was higher than ever.  

I’m so grateful for the students that participated in the fundraiser and thrilled that we donated $1400.  I was thankful that we could do this, but it is only a tiny contribution to a much larger problem.  

The food security issue in Canada is dismal and impacts all communities.    The statistics are alarming- one in seven Canadians are food insecure which means they have missed a meal or have gone days without eating because of poverty.  Even if an individual can purchase food-it is usually not healthy as they can’t afford fresh produce and will buy frozen pizzas because that’s all they can afford.

It’s essential to make it very clear that COVID 19 hasn’t caused food insecurity, it has only made it worse.  Pre-pandemic, there were almost 5 million Canadians who were food insecure. Why is this still happening in this wealthy country?   

What can you do?  Get involved.  Donate or volunteer at your local food bank or food share programs and write to your politicians and ask them to make food security a priority, as no one should ever have to deal with this.  

Be well.



“Yoga is not a work-out, it is a work-in. And this is the point of spiritual practice; to make us teachable; to open up our hearts and focus our awareness so that we can know what we already know and be who we already are.”

Rolf Gates


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