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Use Coconut Oil To Soothe Winter Skin.


It’s happening already, and we are not even in the depths of winter yet. Dry, red, cracked and irritated skin. What is it about the winter that plays such havoc with our skin? Lack of humidity and cool temperatures remove moisture from our skin, and we must diligently stay on top of moisturizing to keep our skin smooth and healthy.

What products are you using to keep your skin hydrated and nourished? Until I discovered coconut oil, I purchased whatever I found on sale at the drugstore with little regard for its effectiveness and its usual unhealthy ingredients. 

I’ve used coconut oil as an all-year-round body moisturizer for years and put it on extra thick during the winter. As I age, I’ve noticed my skin has become dryer, and I need to be consistent with a daily skincare routine.

Why Coconut Oil?

Coconut Oil has gained popularity because of its versatile uses and many health benefits. You can add it to smoothies, cook and bake with it or make a satiating bulletproof coffee. It is rich in vitamin E and is also naturally anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral. It also has numerous anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatories properties. 

And if that wasn’t enough, it’s a fantastic skin moisturizer. It works well with sensitive and dry skin types, helps soothe rashes or eczema, and is absorbed quickly.  

I recommend only purchasing organic coconut oil to ensure high quality. Many moisturizers contain unhealthy and toxic ingredients (see below).   Your skin is the largest organ in the body, and anything that you place on your skin is absorbed into your body. Coconut oil is 100 % pure and inexpensive, making it the perfect body moisturizer and the only one you need.

How To Use Coconut Oil On Your Skin?

  • Lip balm. 

You can purchase lip balms that contain coconut oil, other healthy oils, and beeswax, which help keep the balm solid. I have a small container of coconut oil that is always in my purse. It’s easy to use in the winter because the coconut oil is solid, and I have to be careful in the warmer months, as it is pure liquid and can be messy. 

  • Body Moisturizer

I have a large jar of coconut oil on my night table and rub it over my entire body before bedtime. If my heels are dry and cracked, I lay a thick layer over my feet and wear cotton socks to avoid staining my sheets. Because it is solid this time of year, I rub a large dollop of the oil between my hands, and it quickly liquifies and is easy to use. 

  • Face Moisturizer

If you have oily skin and acne, I would skip using coconut oil on your face because coconut oil is highly comedogenic which can clog your pores. 

It can be a great face moisturizer in moderation. I recommend only using a small amount. I tend to break out on my chin and do not place any coconut oil on this area. 

I will put a light layer of coconut oil on my face before a long hike, and if it’s windy and frigid, I add a bit more when I return home. Coconut oil is an excellent barrier to the elements, but it is not guaranteed to block UV rays. 

Before bed, I gently clean my face and use vitamin E for night cream.

  • Make-up Remover

To remove eye makeup, gently dip a cotton ball or soft face cloth into some coconut to remove eye shadow and mascara. It can also easily remove foundation and blush, and finishing up with a gentle skin cleaner will remove any residue.

  • Exfoliation

Exfoliation helps remove dry and dead skin. You can make a simple scrub by mixing sugar with coconut oil and gently rubbing it over your face to leave your skin feeling clean and smooth. You can also use this mixture on your face, hands and feet. 


Add coconut oil to your skincare routine to ensure your skin remains hydrated and soft. 

Don’t let the colder days and concern for your skin deter you from getting outdoors. Embracing winter’s beauty by getting outside is healthy and essential for well-being. 

Be well.


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 DISCLAIMER: County Yoga Loft’s website blog information is for general health care information only. All information on the site is provided in good faith. However, it should not replace consultation or advice from a physician or other healthcare practitioners. The use or reliance of any information on this site is solely at your own risk.