County Yoga Loft

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Additional Meditation Techniques.

This will be my last blog on Meditation and Mindfulness techniques for a while. A regular meditation and mindfulness practice will change your life. I encourage you to experiment with the many methods that I’ve discussed over the last few weeks:

Guided Meditation

Mantra Meditation

Breath Focus

Create moments that promote mindfulness throughout your day: silent walks in nature, gardening, yoga, swimming, cycling, painting, woodworking, puzzles, writing, and reading. 

To practice these meditations, find a comfortable sitting position and a time when there will be few distractions. 

Breath Meditations

Breath Focus Meditation

Attach your mind to the breath.  While you’re breathing in, note that you’re breathing in, and while you’re breathing out, focus on the exhalation.  Don’t manipulate the breath; simply observe it.  When you find your mind has strayed, gently refocus it on the breath again. 

Breath Counting Meditation

  1. Notice breathing.

  2. Begin to silently count breaths from 1-10 for a total of 10 inhale/exhale cycles.

    Inhale count 1,/exhale count 1. Inhale count 2/exhale count 2, and so on. 

  3. Once you count 10 inhale/exhale cycles, begin at 1 again and repeat. 

  4. When your mind wanders, and you’re not sure what number you are at, go back to “1.”

  5. Start with 5 minutes and work toward 15.

Vipassana Meditation

The word Vipassana means seeing things as they are. It is the process of self-purification by self-observation.  Practicing this type of meditation involves observing thoughts and emotions without judging or dwelling on them. No actual technique, just being. 

If you find that a seated meditation is not possible for you at this time, then spend time each day doing activities that you love and bring you into the present moment.

Be well & breathe deeply. 
