County Yoga Loft

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Connect to your Divine Feminine on Mother’s Day.

Every May, we celebrate Mothers on the second Sunday of the month, and this year it falls on May 8th.  Quintessentially, this day usually involves brunch, gift-giving, sending flowers and celebrating all that a Mother has done for her family. It's a day that can bring great joy or pain. It's a challenging day if you never had a mother, your mother has passed, or you have/had a complicated relationship with your Mother. Perhaps you always wanted to become a Mother, but it never happened.  

Everyone should celebrate Mother's Day no matter their circumstances and gender because Motherhood comes in many forms; you mothered children or pets, provided love and support to a friend or family member in need, or offered service to your community. The act of Mothering is synonymous with Divine Feminine energy and why celebrating Mother's Day should always involve celebrating YOU!  

We all have Divine Feminine and divine masculine energy within us regardless of gender, age or culture.  We need both and want to aim for balance. "Too much masculine, and we get aggression and domination. Too much feminine, and we get disempowerment and stagnation."  (Source

"The energy of the feminine embodies the nurturer, the healer, the compassionate peacemaker, while the masculine energy is focused on doing and achieving," says spiritual author of The Self-Love Experiment Shannon Kaiser. "They're meant to complement and support each other: They are the yin and yang."

Divine Feminine is an energy that exists in all living beings. It's maternal, but don't let that throw you off; everyone can and should access their Divine Feminine energy regardless of gender.  This energy is sometimes known as Yin energy, Shakti, Kali, or Gaia.

Some qualities of the Divine Feminine (Source):

  • Intuitive

  • Heart-centered

  • Compassionate

  • Wise

  • Accepting

  • Forgiving

  • Collaborative

  • Reflective

  • Creative

  • Sensual

  • Kind

  • Gentle

  • Unapologetic (I added this one)  

Ways to connect to your Divine Feminine:

Make your self care your #1 priority.  

Everything must start with self.  When you first wake up in the morning, you take some breaths for yourself; you cannot breathe for others.  When we take care of ourselves first, we will be able to offer more of ourselves to others.  

Practice self-love

Loving yourself as you are, not what you think or what others think you should be.  Know that you are awesome and perfect, just as you are.  

Embrace your sensuality.

Light some candles and enjoy an aromatherapy bath.  Eat expensive chocolate and savour every bite.  Have someone cook your favourite meal or have it delivered.  Engage all your senses. 

Pause and be still.

You don't have to sit in formal meditation for this.  Just find a quiet place with absolutely no distractions and just sit still for 5 minutes and allow your breath to flow easily.  


Allowing yourself time to pause and be still will make listening to your body and thoughts easier.  Pay attention to what they are telling you.  

I feel that the easiest way to connect with the Divine Feminine is to spend time in nature.  Take a walk in the woods, or sit by a river or lake.  Spending time with Mother Earth will soften any edges and bring you into the present moment.  

If you're celebrating on Sunday, Happy Mother's Day, enjoy your time with your family and remember to connect to yourself.  If you are not celebrating in the traditional sense, celebrate yourself, mother yourself in whatever way will make you feel good and nurtured. 

Peace & Blessings.


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