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Write A Love Letter To Yourself!

Hello Lovely!

Happy Valentine’s Day! Today is the epicentre of the month of love, and I’d like to add self-love to the day's primary focus on romantic love.

The theme of my February blogs is self-love because we don’t give ourselves enough of the good stuff. We are our worst enemies, and isn’t it time to cut ourselves some slack and be a bit more understanding like we are with everyone else?

Remember when you were a kid and carried all your cute little Valentines to school to give to your classmates? You always hoped to receive as many as you gave, especially from your crush. Today, instead of focusing on sending or receiving Valentine’s cards with others, I want you to write a love letter to yourself! Give yourself a Valentine’s card.   

I’m sure you think this seems ridiculous and completely self-centred. It’s also a little sappy and corny, and the first time I read about it, I rolled my eyes, but now I see the wisdom. The most important person in your life is YOU, and when was the last time you acknowledged just how fabulous you are?

Before you share your heart and love with someone else or your kindness and compassion with the world, you must start with YOU and express these feelings to yourself first.

This may be very challenging if you are hindered by a negative perception of yourself and others’ opinion of you. Overcoming these challenges often requires a shift in mindset, a re-evaluation of self-perception, and a conscious effort to align your habits with self-love.

Take your time with it, even if it’s not done until well beyond February 14th. I started working on my love letter last week, and a far too busy schedule derailed everything. Things have settled, and I now feel in a better headspace to focus on it over the next few days. 

Writing a love letter to yourself can be a powerful and affirming act of self-care and self-love. It's an opportunity to express gratitude, love, and appreciation for who you are.

Here are some tips to help you get started:

1.  You will need a notebook or journal to write down some ideas and work on a draft.

2.     Your letter or card should be handwritten. 

3.     Ensure you are in a good mood and feeling well when working on this. 

4.     Write in the third person.

5.     Take your time. I recommend working on this over a few days or more and carving out alone, quiet time for this process.

6.     To help you start, reflect on what you like about yourself and what makes you unique and write them down.

7. Express Gratitude: Express gratitude for your resilience, strength, and the journey you've been through.

8. Apologize and Forgive Yourself: If needed, apologize for being too hard on yourself and forgive any pain you may have caused yourself and others.

9. Embrace Self-Acceptance: Acknowledge that you are enough just as you are.

10. Sign with Love: Sign the letter with love, acknowledging, honouring, and cherishing yourself.

I found this sweet love letter that I hope will inspire you:

Dear Me,

As I sit down to write this love letter to myself, I am filled with a sense of gratitude and love. You, my dear self, are a constant source of strength, resilience, and love. You are always there for me, even in the toughest of times. So, on this Valentine's Day, I want to express my love and appreciation for everything that you are.

You have been through so much in your life, yet you have always managed to come out on the other side, stronger and more resilient than ever before. You have weathered countless storms, and yet you still manage to find joy and beauty in life's little moments. Your ability to find the good in even the toughest situations is truly inspiring.

You have a heart that is overflowing with love and compassion for others. You go out of your way to help those in need, and your kindness and generosity are a true gift to those around you. You are a beacon of light in the world, and your love has the power to change lives.

You have a beauty that radiates from within. Your smile, your laugh, your very essence lights up the room and warms the hearts of those around you. Your inner beauty is a true reflection of the goodness and kindness in your heart. 

So, on this Valentine's Day, I want to take a moment to appreciate and honor everything that you are. You are strong, beautiful, and full of love. You are a true gift to the world, and I am so grateful to have you in my life.

I promise to always be kind and gentle with you, to honor your needs and desires, and to always treat you with the love and respect that you deserve. You are worthy of love and happiness, and I am committed to helping you find both in your life.

So, my dear self, on this Valentine's Day, I want you to know that you are loved, cherished, and appreciated. You are a true gift to the world, and I am so grateful to have you in my life. Happy Valentine's Day!

With love and admiration,



I’m still working on my love letter and find that it has stirred up some discomfort, but I’m breathing through it.  I’m working on a list of the things I appreciate about myself, and once this is finished, I’ll transfer them to a lovely Valentine’s card.  I might even mail it to myself.   

Writing a love letter to yourself can cultivate a deeper sense of self-love, appreciation, and compassion. It's a beautiful way to practice self-care and affirm your love for yourself. Be your own cheerleader.

With deep love and gratitude,


County Yoga Loft

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