County Yoga Loft

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Lovely Lavender.

There are two Lavender farms in Prince Edward County, and I recently visited one during peak bloom time and was enchanted with the sea of purple. 

Lavender, with its breathtakingly beautiful purple flowers, is a perennial flowering plant and is part of the mint family.  Its ubiquitous and can be enjoyed for its delightful appearance and aroma, and is even added to lattes and cupcakes.

I use its lovely smell as a grounding and calming tool and have yet to enjoy a lavender latte.

The most popular use of lavender is as an essential oil.  The oil is extracted from the plant and is highly concentrated, so a few drops are pretty potent.  One should never ingest essential oil or use it in cooking.  Lavender extract is less potent and is used to make tea, and lattes, and added to baking goods.

How to Use Lavender

Cleaning Agent


Lavender has anti-bacterial properties, is eco-friendly, and makes an excellent cleaner.  Add ½ cup of water, ½ cup of vinegar, and 10-20 drops of lavender essential oil to a glass spray bottle for a DIY cleaner.  You can also add other essential oils. I often add freshly squeezed lemon juice to my cleaner.   

Health Benefits

  • Supports sleep: Some studies suggest lavender can improve your body’s melatonin levels, supporting a better night’s rest.

  • Reduces pain and inflammation: Research has shown that lavender essential oil can help reduce headache pain.

  • Helps with mood, anxiety, and depression: “Lavender is known for its ability to calm the nervous system, lift the mood, and even lower blood pressure,” says Dr. Lin. “Research links lavender usage to less anxiety and depression.”

  • Relieves menstrual pain: In one study, women who smelled lavender for 30 minutes daily during the first three days of their period had less pain after two months. Other research has linked applying lavender essential oil to the abdomen with less menstrual pain.  Source

I use lavender as a DIY cleaner, but the most important use is its ability to calm me. I carry my lavender roll on with me and place it on my wrists, behind my ears, and under my nose, and it instantly grounds me. I also spray it on my pillow at bedtime. Our diffuser releases lavender throughout the day, and our house smells like a spa.

Visit a lavender farm, and you will see many products infused with lavender; soaps, bath balms, body scrubs, body lotions and oils, sachets, chocolate, and tea.

I’m so familiar with the aroma of lavender that I’m convinced my brain is hardwired to recognize it, which is why I feel instantly relaxed with I detect its sweet smell.

If you have never tried lavender as a destresser, what are you waiting for? Give it a try, and let me know what you think.

Be well.


County Yoga Loft

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 DISCLAIMER; The information on County Yoga Loft’s website blog is for general health care informational purposes only. All information on the site is provided in good faith. However, it should not replace consultation or advice from a physician or other healthcare practitioners. The use or reliance of any information on this site is solely at your own risk.