County Yoga Loft

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The Longest Day of the Year.

June 21st is the Summer Solstice and the longest day of the year. It’s the first Solstice of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and occurs when the Sun reaches its highest and northernmost point in the sky. It marks the second phase of the Earth's journey around the Sun, which starts with the Spring Equinox, the first day of Spring, which occurs in March.

I find anything to do with astronomy and celestial divinity fascinating. I like to pause on special occasions like a Solstice to appreciate both the vastness and magical energy they provide us and the universe. This Solstice is an excellent opportunity for a personal 1/2-year check-in because it happens close to 6 months into 2023.  

Ways to celebrate the longest day of the year:

1.    Meditate for at least 20 minutes. Sitting in stillness or perhaps taking a short walk alone. You want to get centered, grounded, and quiet your mind.  

2.    Ask. After you’ve stilled your mind, take some time to reflect on how the first ½ of 2023 has unfolded for you. If you did set some intentions for 2023, take a look at them and ask yourself these questions: 

  • Have you accomplished your goals, or are you still working towards them?

  • Do they still matter?

  • Do any of them need adjusting? 

  • Do you have any new plans that weren’t on your radar earlier in the year? 

  • Did you make too many goals?

  • Are your actions aligned with your goals?

3.    Plan. How do you want the rest of 2023 to be? When you reach the end of 2023, what do you want to say you’ve accomplished? Get planning.

4.    Create rituals to acknowledge the Solstice.

  • Go for a swim. The Summer Solstice is the first official day of summer!

  • Have a bonfire and enjoy the stars. Write out your intentions for the rest of 2023 and drop them in the fire.

  • Bask in the Sun for 30 minutes; your body will be happy to get some extra Vitamin D.

5.    Participate in a Solstice community gathering, or create your own and host a potluck dinner or marshmallow roast around a bonfire. 

Finding time to celebrate when the Summer Solstice is happening during the week is challenging. I have to attend a long meeting on Wednesday, and I will be teaching in the evening, but I’m determined to do two things; 1) jump in the lake and 2) take a moment to reflect on 2023 and plan on how I’d like the rest of my year to go. 

Starting on June 22nd, the days get shorter, making the longest day of the year more special and a way to honour the light within you. So tune into this delicious energy and reflect on what you are grateful for.

Enjoy the extra sunshine today. Do you have anything planned for this special day?


County Yoga Loft

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1) Solstice Facts