County Yoga Loft

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A Time for Reflection & Intention.

Reflections & Intentions

That’s a wrap! We’ll be saying goodbye to 2022 in a few days, and like any year, it had its challenges and sweet moments. The last lockdown was in February; mask mandates were lifted in March, and most pandemic measures ended in April; things we have all been patiently waiting for. While moving in this positive direction, we learned the shocking news that Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24th. As we enjoyed taking a few deep breaths mask-free, the economic fallouts from the pandemic and this war were felt worldwide.

At the moment, this unimaginable war continues. We might be headed into a recession, and everything has gone up; cost of living, interest rates, and the need for food banks. There is no such thing as affordable housing, and our healthcare system is imploding. Whew! I’m sure you’re thinking, “thanks so much for the lack of inspiration!” And why should I want to reflect on this? I believe that we need to be honest and admit that for many, 2022 was another stressful year with continued uncertainty, and despite this, I still see the wisdom in taking some time to reflect on 2022-all of it, the good and bad.

The last few years have been more challenging than most, and many have had to deal with unimaginable loss, grief, fear, and uncertainty. You may also find this time of year hard and lonely. However, we have also witnessed kindness, compassion, gratitude, strength, creativity, resilience, hope, inclusion, and community.  

The things happening in my life at this moment are not even close to what I envisioned this time last year. And I’ve had to admit that things didn’t go as intended. No amount of planning could have prepared us for some of the challenges that unfolded throughout 2022. I started feeling overwhelmed in the spring and by the summer I reached a level of anxiety that I hadn’t experienced for years. No amount of yoga, meditation and mindfulness could prevent this; however, they were terrific tools in providing the awareness I needed to reach out for support. I wasn’t in a crisis, but I wasn’t feeling myself when I signed up for a free online 12-week CBT therapy program in Ontario called MindBeacon. The intake process is intense, and you will not be eligible if you have complex mental health issues. I was connected to a “therapist” that I never spoke to via video or phone; all of our communication was via messages on their site. She provided me with resources and feedback about my concerns and after the 12 weeks, I challenged much of my negative thinking and felt much better. I also learned a lot about myself and what matters most. This format is not for everyone, and if I were in terrible shape, I wouldn’t have found it helpful, but I know that it prevented a downward spiral, and for that, I am grateful.

Taking a deep dive into reflecting on 2022 is the only way for me to figure out what’s next. After sorting through my challenging feelings and having many discussions, we have set some clear intentions and have a plan for 2023 that we feel good about it.

You can still have hopes and dreams amid never-ending chaos; it’s the only way to help you keep going.  Reflecting on 2022 and thinking about your intentions for 2023 will help you organize your thoughts and inspire you. You need to know where you came from to see where you are going.    

Last year I shared an excellent workbook created by Oma Chiropractic & Wellness Centre (Oma Chiropractic & Wellness Centre) that provided thought-provoking questions and space for reflections and intention setting.   Oma is a fantastic multidisciplinary clinic in Toronto.  I was a patient there for at least a decade before we moved to Picton.  My former chiropractor, Adrienne McRuvie, a fellow yoga and meditation teacher and friend, has created another fantastic workbook for 2022.

WADING 2022 Workbook      

To fully benefit from this workbook, ensure that you are in a relatively ok mood before you begin. It’s helpful to print the document, read it before you start and use a pencil, so you go back and make changes. Then take some alone time by getting cozy with tea or cocoa.

Approach this with kindness and an open heart, not through the lens of judgment. If you are reading this, you survived another challenging year.  You may have experienced significant loss and sorrow, but you are still standing.   Let any disappointments from 2022 guide your intentions for 2023!

I hope you enjoy this process and find reasons to be grateful.  There is always light; even it it’s only a flicker.

I appreciate you reading and supporting my blog.  I hope 2023 will give you many opportunities for love, joy, yoga, connection, community and dancing.  Happy New Year!

Peace and blessings. 


County Yoga Loft

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