County Yoga Loft

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How Will You Celebrate Earth Hour?

Earth Hour is an annual global event the World Wildlife Foundation started in 2007.  Every year participants switch off their lights and other electrical sources (besides the heat) to show collective support for celebrating our incredible planet and providing a reminder that we must take care of her. 

This positive gesture shines the light on nature loss and climate change and the need to continue to work together to secure a brighter future for people and the planet. 

Suggestions for Earth Hour:

1.    Turn out the lights and plan a potluck dinner by candlelight.

2.    Find restaurants in your neighbourhood that are offering Earth Hour dinner experiences.

3.    Take a hike in your community with a flashlight.

4.    Enjoy a candlelight evening in your living room by a roaring fireplace and enjoy some cookies and tea.

5.    Attend an Earth Hour Candlelight Yoga Event.

6.    Play board games by candlelight.

7.    If you have kids, create a scavenger hunt with flashlights.

8.    Star gaze and identify as many stars as you can. Find the moon and notice the phase it is in.

9.    If you are with adults, read to each other; if you are with kids, read them an inspiring book about our planet.

10. Weather permitting, have an Earth Hour picnic outdoors; if it’s too cold, move it indoors and cover your living room floor with blankets. 

I’ve enjoyed many delightful Earth Hour events.  Some of my favourites were lovely dinners by candlelight in Kensington Market in Toronto, evening hikes, group meditation and candlelight yoga.

This year, I’m organizing a fundraising Earth Hour Candlelight Yoga Event at St. Andrews in Picton.  The minister, Lynne Donovan, is also a yoga teacher and will lead the class. 

Facebook Event Page

Eventbrite Tickets

Earth Hour is also an excellent time for reflection on how you are doing with your carbon footprint. During this check-in, ask yourself:

  • Can you do more to protect Mother Earth?

  • Can you walk more and use your car less?

  • Do you still buy single-use plastic containers for dish soap, laundry detergent and shampoo/conditioner? This can quickly be resolved as there are so many options for all of these products that produce zero waste.

  • Do you use eco-friendly cleaners and detergents?

  • Can you decrease your consumption of animal products? Animal agriculture is harmful to the environment, and focusing on eating more vegetables will make a difference.

One Hour.

One Earth.

Our Future.

Let me know in the comments below what you are up to for Earth Hour this year.

Happy Earth Hour!

Be well.


County Yoga Loft

Zoom Yoga Class Schedule 


Earth Hour