County Yoga Loft

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Hello, September. I’m so happy to see you.

Cooler weather, blue skies, a tapestry of vibrant colours and no mosquitos. BRING IT ON!!!!

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, Autumn! It’s my favourite time of year, and the only downside is that it’s too darn short.

You might be thinking, but wait, I love summer, it’s whizzed by, and it’s not even officially over! Summer is great, and we had the best one in a long time. I’m not saying you have to say goodbye to iced tea, lemonade or margaritas and replace them with all things pumpkin spice! Embrace every sunny day we have for the next month and get in as many beach days and water dips as your body can handle.

As we move towards a season change, tune into the major shift in your energy and think about how you can tap into it. 

This transition time is one that we all know so well as we are hard-wired to get excited this time of year. Think back to when you were a kid or university student, and you were getting ready for all things back to school. You were eager, nervous, and motivated.

For me, summer’s energy is a little slower and lazier and is about beaches, swimming, gardening, BBQs, gatherings and playful reads.  I never feel motivated to do much more. The apathy disappears when I notice the first leaves changing or a little nudge of cooler weather, and I instantly become Tigger from Winnie the Pooh.  I’m frantic with ideas, goals and a strong desire to create.  It’s hard for me to contain my energy this time of year and in the Spring, but I have to, or nothing gets done. 

This season of new beginnings and possibilities is the perfect time for a bit of check-in on how your 2022 has unfolded. 

Ask yourself:

  • What's been working in 2022 up until now?

  • What needs to be adjusted?

If there are things that you still want to accomplish, create or just plain old, get done before the end of the year, make it as simple as possible, and maybe only have one thing to work on.

From today, Wednesday, September 7th, there are 115 days until January 1st, 2023.  We know it will go fast, but it’s still a fair amount of time to focus on what’s important. 

If you are unsure how you want the rest of 2022 to be, then take some time with your thoughts. I get clear and inspired when I’m alone and with nature. I plan to take a few long hikes on those perfect autumn days in the next few weeks. At some point, I’ll pause where the view is breathtaking and there are no distractions to influence me, so I can hear my inner whispers. 

Calming the chatter in your mind can give you answers on how to adapt or let go of what no longer fits.

Make the Most of Autumn 

Nature Walks

I cannot emphasize enough the healing that can happen in nature while admiring the fiery colours of Autumn’s beauty. The dazzling colours are short-lived, so commit to spending time with them daily.  No matter what you are experiencing in your life, you will feel better when you walk through the woods or sit with the trees.


Farmer’s are entering harvest time and they have an abundance of squash, pumpkin, zucchini, tomatoes, eggplant, carrots and parsnips.  Dust off your crock pot and make a batch of healthy stews and soups that you can freeze and eat for the next few months.  Autumn is also the time for canning. 

Fall Events

Visit community fall fairs, light bonfires, and gather with some friends for some apple or pumpkin pickings.


Cleaning is not fun, but being in an organized, clean home feels good.  Blast some of your favourite music or podcasts and give your house a deep clean; wash your curtains, steam carpet and rugs, clean your windows, organize your cupboards and purge. 

Something New

I loved getting new clothes and school supplies when I was a kid.  Do something nice for yourself.  Get your hair cut, have a pedicure, manicure, or facial.  Buy a new sweater, pj’s, journal, or something else you need.

Celestial Delights

There are a few celestial happenings to delight us in September.  The Autumn Equinox, the first day of Autumn, happens on September 22nd. 


Rein in some of that Tigger energy.  Pace yourself, and don’t allow the busyness of Autumn to overrun your schedule.   Create space in your life to be still and quiet, harvest your self-care and make yourself a daily priority.  Enjoy all that Autumn offers, and be ready for a beautiful harvest moon that plans on making a shiny appearance on September 10th.

"Well, I better be bouncing along now, chum! Cheerio! Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!" - Tigger


County Yoga Loft

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