County Yoga Loft

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Winter Skin Care.

With winter approaching, it's an excellent time to modfy your skincare routine.  The low humidity, wind and cold temperatures can cause your skin to become extremely dry, red, dehydrated, inflamed, and tight.  All of this can lead to premature ageing.   

During winter, the moisture barrier, also known as the Stratum Corneum or skin barrier, is highly fragile and likely to become compromised because of the lack of moisture in the air.   

Top Tips for Healthy Winter Skin

1) Prep Your Home

The drier the air, the more dehydrated the skin. To maximize the amount of water in the air, place a humidifier in the room where you spend the most time, which, for many individuals, is the bedroom. 

2) Change Up Your Diet

Eat a diet rich in walnuts, olive oil, and avocados. Alcohol and caffeine act as a diuretic and will cause dehydration so ensure to increase water intake when drinking both. In the cooler weather, we are not as thirsty, but it’s still important to drink at least 2 litres (8.80 glasses) of water a day.

3) Exfoliate 

Use a gentle scrub to buff your skin. This will help your skin absorb moisturizers.  For those with raw or severely dry skin, skip the exfoliator and incorporate a wet washcloth instead for a gentler option.

4) Avoid Harsh Cleansers

Your skin is more sensitive in the winter, so ensure to use only gentle cleansers. Avoid any drying ingredients, like fragrances or additives, in favour of those with formulated chamomile or oatmeal. 

5) Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!

Avoid products that contain alcohol and fragrance. 

Consider using oils instead of lotions.  Pure oils have become popular because your skin absorbs the essential fatty acids from the oils, an essential nutrient for the health of your skin. Always look for an oil that is 100% pure and not mixed with any other type of oil or fragrance.


For a more neutral oil, try Jojoba oil. It is excellent for your skin, face and hair and is readily absorbed without leaving an oily residue. You can try adding 1 tsp of Jojoba oil into your shampoo, conditioner, or body wash to give your skin and hair some extra moisture and nourishment.

Argan oil is rich in Vitamin E and excellent for your skin.

Rose hip oil is excellent for fine lines, wrinkles and scars, and will rejuvenate your skin naturally. (Source Jenn Pike)

Repeatedly moisturize your hands throughout the day as they become dry and chapped from the colder weather and from the frequent hand washing that is an important preventive for COVID-19.  

6) Zero In on a Nighttime Routine

It's crucial to start this routine an hour before going to bed; otherwise, you might be too tired and skip it.  

Shower at night using a gentle soap or cleanser to clean your body and a high-quality cleanser for your face.  Moisturize your entire body within 60 seconds of stepping out of the shower and apply a thick body moisturizer.  

Cover your feet with a moisturizer and wear cotton socks to bed, and this will prevent the skin on your heels from cracking.  

7) And don't forget your lips. 

Licking sore lips will only exacerbate dryness and can cause what is referred to as 'lick eczema'.  Apply a moisturizing balm to protect your lips.  

If you are skiing, remember lips are vulnerable to sunburn. Zinc oxide is a fantastic physical sunscreen and will help to reflect the UV away from the skin of your face and lips.

8) Apply Sunscreen — Even on Gray Winter Days

On bright winter days, snow reflects the sun's rays — up to 80 percent, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation — increasing your risk of exposure. (4) That means whether you're out on the slopes, playing in the snow, or just walking through a parking lot on an errand run, it's just as important to be applying sunscreen in the harsh winter weather as it is in the summer.  

And don't be fooled by darker, dreary days in winter, either. The sun's harmful UV rays can permeate clouds and still cause damage.

Before you go outside, apply a moisturizing, broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher to all exposed areas of your body. (Source-Evolution Med Spa)

9) Baths are a gift to dry winter skin. 

Baths provide an opportunity to relax and moisturize your skin when you add bath oil.  If you like scented bath oils, be sure to use ones that use essential oils for their fragrance.  

10)  Know what ingredients to avoid and do your research. 

The skincare industry is virtually unregulated, and you must be diligent.   

Here is a short list to look out for that I obtained from Jenn Pike's website:

BHA and BHT: Suspected endocrine disruptors, with cancer warnings going up in American states like California.  This one is awful for aquatic wildlife and is definitely NOT biodegradable, which leads to a build-up that the ecosystem can't get rid of.

Parabens: Estrogen mimickers and one preliminary study found it in breast cancer tissue (yikes!)

Sodium Laureth sulphate (SLS): A foaming agent, often contaminated with carcinogenic properties. There is a different form, Sodium lauryl sulphate, which is found in some "green" brands like Seventh Generation. It isn't as bad as its carcinogenic cousin, but it is an irritant.

Phthalates: Usually disguised as "fragrance" on ingredients lists, this has been banned by the European Union, and there are regulations against it being used in children's toys. Yet, for some reason, you can lather it onto your skin, hair and face.

Also check out  EWG's SkinDeep Guide and research your current products via their website

About a year ago, I started using skincare products from a fantastic Canadian company called Skin Essence Organics.  Their products are 100% organic, natural, cruelty-free and very effective.  Shipping is free in Canada for orders over $49 and try the following codes to obtain a discount (they were still valid when I used them a week ago).

20% discount on first order JENNPIKE20

10 % discount on subsequent orders JENNPIKE10

Their products are not cheap, but you get what you pay for.  All of their products last for months because you only need a small amount to receive the benefits.  I use the Vitamin E cream as a balm and then sunscreen to cover my face in the frigid weather.

My favourite moisturizer for the rest of my body is organic coconut oil.  I have a large jar on my night table and apply it generously before I go to sleep.  

Consider professional skin treatments, and with the holiday season approaching, perhaps Santa will give you a gift certificate for a lovely facial. 

Be well.



1. The Definitive Guide to Dry Skin

2. Everyday Health

3. Jenn Pike

DISCLAIMER; The information provided on County Yoga Loft’s website blog is for general health care informational purposes only. All information on the site is provided in good faith. However, it should not replace consultation or advice from a physician and/or other healthcare practitioners. The use or reliance of any information contained on this site is solely at your own risk.