County Yoga Loft

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Stay Cool, Healthy & Hydrated with Summer Smoothies.

Nothing is more refreshing than a cool cocktail when it gets this hot and humid. Taking a break in the shade and sipping (or gulping, lol) a cold beer, pina colada, margarita, or wine spritzer is as quintessential to summer as sitting on the beach and swimming.

These delicious drinks and cocktails contain alcohol and usually loads of sugar, making them not the healthiest or most hydrating option. The alcohol in these delightful drinks is sneaky and usually not detectable until you’ve downed three of them and tried to stand up.

I’m not a big drinker and gave it up completely for many months while recovering from Lyme Disease. I still don’t drink much, and when I do drink, I try to limit it to just one alcoholic drink. If I have the second drink, I know it will lead to the third and fourth, and then the entire bottle. The horrible hangover the next day is never worth it.

I’m a big smoothie fan and drink them most mornings, and I want to share some of my favourite smoothie recipes for non-alcoholic summer-like drinks. The only one that I haven’t tried is the zucchini blueberry, but it has rave reviews, and I look forward to trying it, especially as I’m intrigued by putting zucchini in a smoothie. These smoothies are delicious, satiating, hydrating, and healthy; you can drink many without feeling so gross afterward.

Besides offering a delicious alternative on a hot day, what I love the most about smoothies is their versatility and how many healthy items like hemp, chia, and flax seeds, protein powder, frozen berries, and frozen greens like spinach or kale that you can sneak into your smoothie and not compromise the taste. In the summer, you can access fresh greens and berries that are smoothie staples. I purchase plenty in the summer and freeze them to use in the fall and winter. I encourage you to start your day off with a nutritional powerhouse smoothie.

If smoothies aren’t your thing and you’d like other non-alcoholic drink options, check out these  Healthy Lemonade Recipes from one of my previous blogs.

Be well, stay cool & hydrated.



1.  Minimalist Baker

2. Kris Carr

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