County Yoga Loft

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How are you…….really?

How are you navigating these rough waters? 

To state that the last 6 months have been challenging is such an understatement.  We have all experienced so many firsts on a global level.  First time being isolated, first time teaching your kids and trying to work from home, first time not able to visit loved ones in long term care, and maybe the first time having no idea what the future holds!

There have been many loses; financial, jobs, loved ones and a sense of community.   Essential workers like health care and other first responders, anyone who works in grocery stores, farmers, truck drivers, city workers and many more, have put their lives at risk every day.  Thank you!

The transitions can also be overwhelming.  What stage is your community at?  What does it mean? Are you going back to your office, kids back to school? It's so worrying.  

Whatever your situation might be, it shouldn't be a surprised that you might be feeling stressed, exhausted, scared, depressed, anxious, worried, impatient, and angry.   Is it possible to find time for some self-care when you feel like your drowning?  It is, but you have to make it a priority, and you might be feeling that this is impossible with so much going on.  Try and find, simple and achievable ways to ground yourself.  

We are all feeling rudderless.  Try some of these anchors to steer you through these uncertain times:  

1)    MUTE  your access to social media and the news.  Limit your time on your devices and reading, listening or watching the news.  It is important to be informed, especially when there are conflicting messages; however, how you receive these messages is critical.  Can you watch less news and coverage on TV?  How much time are you watching TV and Netflix, or checking your Facebook and Instagram?  We all know that one google search can lead to 4 hours in the google rabbit hole.  Can you limit this?  Avoid checking your devices first thing in the morning and disengage from all your devices an hour before bed -you will sleep more soundly. 

2)    MOVE   It is not necessary to attend the gym for hours every day, especially if you are worried about exposure.  What is doable?  Can you squeeze in a 20-minute walk a day?  10 minutes?  If you are sitting at a desk for most of the day, get up every hour for a few minutes.  Incorporate a few simple stretches every few hours.  

3)    SLEEP   This is such a big and important topic that I will be diving into more detail in a future blog, but for now, ask yourself, how is my sleep?  Are you getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night?  If not, why not?  Restful, restorative sleep is essential for your overall physical and mental health. 

4)    BE STILL   Take a time out for yourself.  Find moments to quiet your mind and just be.  Sit quietly and breathe deeply for a few minutes.   Go for a walk in the woods and take in the sights and sounds of nature. Meditate and be mindful.  

5)    EAT WELL   Have you been ordering more take out than usual?.  We have been trying to limit take out to once a week and do our best to ensure it is somewhat healthy-avoiding Tim's, McDonald's etc. and supporting local, family-owned businesses that make food from scratch.  Aim to eat at least one healthy meal a day that includes lots of fruit and veggies.  Eating well also includes drinking at least 2 litres of water a day and limiting sugar, alcohol, soda and caffeine as they only provide a temporary moment of feeling better.  

6)    BE KIND  to yourself and others.  Patience and compassion seem to be at an all-time low.  Overall, everyone is doing their best.   

7)    BE SMART   Follow COVID protocols; wear your mask, maintain social distancing.  Stay informed about the numbers.  

8)    STAY CONNECTED  We all need each other right now, more than ever.  Check-in with family and friends, regularly, and yes we may need to use our devices to do so, but you don't have to be on them all day.  Check-in on anyone that you know that lives on their own. 

9)    BE GRATEFUL   An attitude of gratitude can go a long way.  What good has come to you during the pandemic?  More time with your kids, a decrease in global pollution, adjusting to working from home.  At the end of each day, think of 1-3 things that you are grateful for.  

10)  BE OPEN TO PERSONAL GROWTH    What have you learned about yourself and others during the pandemic?  Are you surprised at your resilience and resourcefulness?   Have you discovered what your tolerance for stress and change is?  Have your priorities changed?   

There is so much that we can't control right now, and we most certainly can't control or predict the future.  Living with this level of uncertainly is unsettling.  Therefore, it is crucial to focus on what you can control; what you are allowing into your mind and body! 

Be well.



"Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you."

Anne Lamott